'Save For Later' Option

The 'Save For Later' option allows you to save Products for purchase at a later date. Great if you want to do a running list throughout the week, before completing your order later.

When you add a Product into your cart and you go to the Cart page, you will see the 'Save For Later' link on each Product like this:

If you click to Save a Product, it will then be visible below the Cart element with a link to Move To Cart, like this:


Do you have to be logged into your account to use Save For Later?

No, customers without accounts can see and use Save For Later too. 

I saved some Products, but when I returned to shop, they were gone. Why?

Because since saving your Products, you have cleared the cache, cookies and temporary files from your browser. This will have deleted the cookie from your browser that ‘remembers’ the saved Products. This can be overcome by making an account with us and instead using the Wish List option to save Products long term. 

How long will the saved Products last if I do not clear my browser cache?

28 days - after this point, the cookie will expire. Again, this can be overcome by making an account with us and instead using the Wish List option to save Products long term. 

Where do I go to see my Saved Products?

You simply need to add a Product to the Cart and return to the Cart page, where you will see any Saved Products below the Cart element. 

Wish List 

Great for saving your desired items long term on your account for quick location next time.

When you visit a Product Page, you will see an option to add that Product to your Wish List, as below:

When you log into your account, you will see a Wish List button as below:

Here, you can view any items that you have added to your Wish List.

From this page, you can also share your Wish List with friends by clicking the Share button or Add All Products To Cart to purchase them all at once:

You have to manually remove any items from your Wish List, purchasing the Product will not remove it from the Wish List.