Lobo Masman Curry Paste

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Lobo Masman Curry Paste

Masman Curry Paste

by Lobo 50g sachet

Product of Thailand. Cumin, cardamon and clove give this curry a strong sensational flavour.

Recipe: 1] heat a skillet and add 1 cup [240ml] coconut milk together with contents of this packet. 2] Add slice 250g beef or chicken and stirfry ubtil done. Add 1 cup water. Bring to boil. 3] Add some potato and peanut. Cook with tender. 4] Add fish sauce to taste, serve with cooked rice.

Ingredients: soybean oil, chilli, shallot, garlic, coriander seed, spices [onion, mace, nutmeg], shrimp paste, salt, galangal, cardamom, cumin, clove.

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Brand: lobo
Condition: New